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Vintage photos of Ithaca, New York
Most recently uploaded photos are shown first (1 to 12 of 12):

Library Tower, Cornell University

Library Tower, Cornell University

Cornell Library, Cornell University

Cornell Library, Cornell University

Vintage postcards of Ithaca

Vintage postcards of Ithaca

Boardman Hall and Library, Cornell University

Boardman Hall and Library, Cornell University

Sage College for Women, Cornell University

Sage College for Women, Cornell University

Campus from Library Tower, Cornell University

Campus from Library Tower, Cornell University

The Campus from Sage Tower, Cornell University

The Campus from Sage Tower, Cornell University

Vintage postcards of Ithaca

Vintage postcards of Ithaca

Post Office

Post Office

Sage Chapel, Cornell University

Sage Chapel, Cornell University

Franklin Hall, College of Electricity. Cornell University

Franklin Hall, College of Electricity. Cornell University

Barnes Hall, Cornell University

Barnes Hall, Cornell University

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