Mi Cuenta

Fotos antiguas de Oakland, California
Últimas fotos agregadas se muestran primero (1 al 24 de 32):

Telegraph Avenue

Telegraph Avenue

Downtown Oakland, City Hall in background

Downtown Oakland, City Hall in background

Union Saving Bank Building

Union Saving Bank Building

Broadway Looking East by monlight

Broadway Looking East by monlight

High School

High School

Santa Fe Depot

Santa Fe Depot

Key Route Terminal from the Bay

Key Route Terminal from the Bay

Chabot Observatory

Chabot Observatory

The Gateway, Idora Park

The Gateway, Idora Park

High School

High School

Observation Tower at home of F. M. Smith

Observation Tower at home of F. M. Smith

Nile Club

Nile Club

City Hall

City Hall

St. Mary´s College

St. Mary´s College

Alameda County Court House

Alameda County Court House

City Hall

City Hall

Hall of Justice

Hall of Justice



Looking North from Junction of San Pablo Ave, 14th St and Broadway. City Hall in foreground.

Looking North from Junction of San Pablo Ave, 14th St and Broadway. City Hall in foreground.

Piedmont Baths

Piedmont Baths

Oakland City Hall

Oakland City Hall

Fourteenth Street (Showing City Hall)

Fourteenth Street (Showing City Hall)

Mills College

Mills College

Information Headquarters for Service Men, City Hall Memorial Plaza

Information Headquarters for Service Men, City Hall Memorial Plaza

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