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State Capitol

State Capitol
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Foto #: US13218174197412
State Capitol

Por: centli
Publicada: Noviembre 20, 2011

Copyright © Centli Web Solutions Co., 2001-2025
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Por: centli
Publicada: Noviembre 20, 2011



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Fotos antiguas de Richmond, Virginia
Últimas fotos agregadas se muestran primero (1 al 20 de 20):

Main Street Station

Main Street Station

Broad Street looking East from 6th Street

Broad Street looking East from 6th Street

New Union Station

New Union Station

Is Two over One Railroad Faret - 16th and Dock

Is Two over One Railroad Faret - 16th and Dock

Washington´s Old Headquarters

Washington´s Old Headquarters

Hotel Richmond

Hotel Richmond

Washington Monument and City Hall

Washington Monument and City Hall

White House of the Confederacy

White House of the Confederacy

White House of the Confederacy

White House of the Confederacy

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart

Virginia State Capitol

Virginia State Capitol

State Capitol

State Capitol

The New State Library and Supreme Court of Appeals Building

The New State Library and Supreme Court of Appeals Building

Central Y. M. C. A.

Central Y. M. C. A.

Jefferson Hotel, Franklin St.

Jefferson Hotel, Franklin St.

Hotel John Marshall

Hotel John Marshall

Old St. John´s Church

Old St. John´s Church

Home of Chief Justice Marshall and High Shool

Home of Chief Justice Marshall and High Shool

Washington´s Old Headquarters

Washington´s Old Headquarters

Washington´s Headquarters

Washington´s Headquarters

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