Mi Cuenta

Fotos antiguas de Roanoke, Virginia
Últimas fotos agregadas se muestran primero (1 al 14 de 14):

Night-time on Campbell Avenue, looking East

Night-time on Campbell Avenue, looking East

Jefferson Street, looking South at night

Jefferson Street, looking South at night

Front Entrance of Hotel Roanoke

Front Entrance of Hotel Roanoke

Greene Memorial Methodist Church

Greene Memorial Methodist Church

Virginia Heights Baptist Church

Virginia Heights Baptist Church

Looking across Business Section, Mill Mountain in Background

Looking across Business Section, Mill Mountain in Background

Norkolk and Western Railroad Office Buildings

Norkolk and Western Railroad Office Buildings

Jefferson High School

Jefferson High School

Night-time Scene Roanoke Public Library

Night-time Scene Roanoke Public Library

Christ´s Episcopal Church

Christ´s Episcopal Church

First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church

Hotel Roanke

Hotel Roanke

First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church

Saint Andrews Catholic Church

Saint Andrews Catholic Church

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