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Timuquana Golf Club, Putting Green

Timuquana Golf Club, Putting Green


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Photo ID: US13218174191757
Timuquana Golf Club, Putting Green
By: centli
Uploaded: November 20, 2011

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By: centli
Uploaded: November 20, 2011




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Vintage photos of Jacksonville, Florida
Most recently uploaded photos are shown first (1 to 24 of 28):

St. James Building and Y.M.C.A.

St. James Building and Y.M.C.A.

Union Terminal

Union Terminal

Adams Street, looking East

Adams Street, looking East

Hotel Carling

Hotel Carling

Forsyth Street, looking West

Forsyth Street, looking West

Highway and Railroad bridges across St. John´s River

Highway and Railroad bridges across St. John´s River

Ambassador Hotel

Ambassador Hotel

Terminal Station

Terminal Station

Adams Street, looking West

Adams Street, looking West

Post Office and Atlantic National Bank

Post Office and Atlantic National Bank

Hotel Seminole

Hotel Seminole

Forsythe Street, looking West from City Hall

Forsythe Street, looking West from City Hall

Post Office and Atlantic National Bank

Post Office and Atlantic National Bank

The Florida National Bank and Office Buildings

The Florida National Bank and Office Buildings

Main Street looking West from Springfield Park

Main Street looking West from Springfield Park

Griner Hotel

Griner Hotel

Main Street

Main Street

Bird´s-eye View of Memorial Park, Showing Residences on St. John´s River

Bird´s-eye View of Memorial Park, Showing Residences on St. John´s River

St. John´s River from the Air

St. John´s River from the Air

View of Confederate Park and Radio Station WJAX

View of Confederate Park and Radio Station WJAX

Church of the Good Shepherd

Church of the Good Shepherd

U. S. Post Office and Federal Building

U. S. Post Office and Federal Building

Post Office and Federal Building

Post Office and Federal Building

Timuquana Golf Club, Putting Green

Timuquana Golf Club, Putting Green

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