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Vintage photos of Chicago, Illinois
Most recently uploaded photos are shown first (25 to 48 of 391):

Ida Noyes Hall, University of Chicago

Ida Noyes Hall, University of Chicago

Auditorium and Annex, Michigan Avenue

Auditorium and Annex, Michigan Avenue

Elevated Railroad Loop, Van Buren Street

Elevated Railroad Loop, Van Buren Street

Historical Society Building

Historical Society Building

Laboratory Building of the Chicago University

Laboratory Building of the Chicago University

The County Hospital

The County Hospital

Chicago River, Rush Street Bridge

Chicago River, Rush Street Bridge

Union Stock Yards

Union Stock Yards

Central Depot

Central Depot

Post Office

Post Office

Chicago Theological Seminary

Chicago Theological Seminary

Bascule Bridge, Taylor Street

Bascule Bridge, Taylor Street

Randolph Street, East from La Salle Street

Randolph Street, East from La Salle Street

Dearborn Street, looking North from Madison Street

Dearborn Street, looking North from Madison Street

The Coliseum

The Coliseum

Board of Trade Building

Board of Trade Building

State Street, South from Washington

State Street, South from Washington

Art Institute

Art Institute

Entrance to Union Stock Yards

Entrance to Union Stock Yards

Vista Tower Building

Vista Tower Building

Chatelaine Tower Apartments

Chatelaine Tower Apartments

North Bound Driveway, Lincoln Park

North Bound Driveway, Lincoln Park

Double deck motor busses on Lincoln Park Drive

Double deck motor busses on Lincoln Park Drive

Train concourse, Chicago Union Station

Train concourse, Chicago Union Station

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