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Campus, Syracuse University

Campus, Syracuse University
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Photo ID: US13218174195517
Campus, Syracuse University
By: centli
Uploaded: November 20, 2011

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By: centli
Uploaded: November 20, 2011




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Vintage photos of Syracuse, New York
Most recently uploaded photos are shown first (1 to 24 of 81):

Interior of Gymnasium. Syracuse University

Interior of Gymnasium. Syracuse University

Empire State Express

Empire State Express

Empire State Express going at full speed, near Syracuse

Empire State Express going at full speed, near Syracuse

N. Y. C. R. R. Depot

N. Y. C. R. R. Depot

Central Greyhound Lines Bus Terminal, Montgomery and Harrison Streets

Central Greyhound Lines Bus Terminal, Montgomery and Harrison Streets

Steele Hall of Physics, Syracuse University

Steele Hall of Physics, Syracuse University

Clinton Square

Clinton Square

Onondaga Bank

Onondaga Bank

High School

High School

Packet Dock - Erie Canal

Packet Dock - Erie Canal

South Salina Street

South Salina Street

Jefferson Hotel

Jefferson Hotel

Savings Bank, Erie Canal, and Opera House

Savings Bank, Erie Canal, and Opera House

Carnegie Library

Carnegie Library

University Building

University Building

South Salina Street Bridge (1840)

South Salina Street Bridge (1840)

New High School

New High School

Post Office

Post Office

Syracuse University Buildings

Syracuse University Buildings

North High School

North High School

Post Office

Post Office

Empire State Express passing through Syracuse

Empire State Express passing through Syracuse

Solar Salt Works

Solar Salt Works

New Y.M.C.A. Building

New Y.M.C.A. Building

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