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Bryant Building

Bryant Building


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Photo ID: US13218174194250
Bryant Building
By: centli
Uploaded: November 20, 2011

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By: centli
Uploaded: November 20, 2011




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Most recently uploaded photos are shown first (25 to 48 of 71):

Paseo, looking North from 12th Street

Paseo, looking North from 12th Street

Convention Hall

Convention Hall

Court House

Court House

Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Court House

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City Work House

City Work House

City Hall

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Shrine Mosque, 12th and Prospect Streets

Hotel Muehlebach

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Orpheum Theatre

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Liberty Memorial

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View Northeast from Bailtimore Hotel

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Central M. E. Church, 11th and Paseo

Central M. E. Church, 11th and Paseo

Catholic Cathedral, 11th and Broadway

Catholic Cathedral, 11th and Broadway

Catholic Cathedral, 11th and Broadway

Catholic Cathedral, 11th and Broadway

Linwood Blvd. East from Euclid Ave

Linwood Blvd. East from Euclid Ave

Petticoat Lane (11th Street) Looking East from Main Street

Petticoat Lane (11th Street) Looking East from Main Street

Y. M. C. A. Building. 10th and Oak St.

Y. M. C. A. Building. 10th and Oak St.

Bryant Building

Bryant Building

Kansas City Power and Light Company

Kansas City Power and Light Company

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